X-code Galaxy 2013 - 7100XT - Codename : The lion
Released : Minggu, 22 September 2013
Download : http://blog.xcode.or.id/?p=1961 (100% GRATIS)
X-code Galaxy adalah program untuk mendukung penetration testing, analisa celah keamanan pada software, forensik, pengawasan, pengamanan dan sebagainya.
X-code galaxy di versi ini dibandingkan versi sebelumnya hadir dengan tampilan lebih baru, musik baru, dan sebagainya.
Isi X-code Galaxy 2013 – 7100XT :
Distro product X-code dengan licensi GPL :
- Distro Linux X-code v0.0.1
- Distro Linux X-code v0.0.2
- Distro Linux X-code v0.0.2b
Majalah elektronik X-code product X-code :
- X-code Magazine No 1 – 22 (sejak 2006)
Hacking tools produk X-code :
- Kraken X-code (Keylogger X-code yang bisa dikirim lognya)
- Xremote : Backdoor atau trojan untuk WIndows yang powerful
- Xcode BOT : BOT yang mendukung DoS
- Xcode SQLi/LFI/XSS Vulnerability Webshell Scanner
- Digital Blaster : DoS tool
- CerewetClicker – Facebook Flooder
- Keylogger Yogyafree
- MobXcode
- Xalp Finder
- John Hydra of Yogyafree
- John of Yogyafree
- X-code MD5 Cracker
Security Tools produk X-code :
- Beetrap
- Antivirus Yogyafree
- YF-Crypt
- YF Key in My Flash Drive 2.0 (BARU)
Produk-produk X-code lainnya :
- Underground Chat
- X-code Pest Fuzzer
- Pak Guru
- X-code Galaxy mobile for JAVA
- Lain-lain seperti wallpaper, skin, dst
Modul XPT
Attack and defense :
Basic Tutorial
- Command prompt
- Shell bash
- Maltego
- VisualRoute
- TraceRoute
Scanning :
- Angry IP Scanner
- Webcruiser
- Nikto
- Wikto
- Acunetix
Sniffing :
- Maltego
- NetworkMiner
- Wireshark
- Windump
ARP Spoofing & DNS Spoofing :
- Cain & Able
- Ettercap
Exploits :
- Metasploit Framework
- Exploit-db exploits
- Exploit lainnya
Web Exploits :
- Google Dork
- WordPress Exploits (Support password crack)
- Login Logger WordPress
- Joomla Exploits
- Login Logger Joomla
- phpBB Exploits
- Login Logger phpBB
- Drupal Exploits
- Virtuemart Exploits
- OScommerce Exploits
- Aura Exploits
- VBulletin Exploits
- PHPMyadmin Exploits
- PHPNuke Exploits
- Front Accounting Exploits
Brute Force :
- Hydra for Windows
- Tutorial hydra
- Dictionary file [Bahasan Indonesia]
- Dictionary file [Bahasan Inggris]
Shell exploitation
- Copy file
- Telnet backdoor
- Connect back dan tutorialnya
- Password exploitation [IE, Firefox, chrome]
- Hosts exploitation
- PWDUMP & John The Ripper
- Admin Windows exploitation
- Trojan r3c
- Vadim
- Ngeroot Linux (Update, banyak)
- tutorial
SQL Injection :
- Havij
- SQLMAP dan tutorialnya
- Schemafuzz
Social Enginnering tools :
- Ardamax keylogger
- Istealer 6.3
- Berbagai FL
- Fakelogin Yahoo mail
PHP Shell Injector :
- R57
- C99
- C100
- B374k (Support link tool MD5 Encription)
- Hidden Upload
WIFI Hacking :
- Commview
- Aircrack
- Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor
DoS Tools :
- Netcut
- WINARPAttacker
- SMBDie
- Loic
Hide now
- Platinum hide IP
- Anonymous browsing
Target :
- Metasploitable
- HTTP Tunneling
- ICMP Tunneling
Computer Forensics :
- OS Forensics
- Forensics Toolkit
Analisa Malware :
- Process Monitor
- Regshot
- CaptureBAT
- OllyDbg
- Immunity Debugger + Mona.py
Instrusion Detection System
- Snort
- decaffeinatid
Security Tools :
- ARP Freeze
- OSFuscate
- Antivirus ANTIVIR
- Firewall Comodo
Support Tools :
- Mac Address Changer
- ActivePerl
- ActivePython
- Netcat
- Putty
- Cygwin
- VirtualBox
- Aplikasi Server supports
- CD Yogyafree Raider v1.0
- CD Yogyafree Express v11.0 x2
- CD Yogyafree Raider III
- CD YF Raider
Backtrack :
- Backtrack 5 R3 KDE 32bit
- Backtrack 5 R3 GNOME 32bit
- Backtrack 5 R3 KDE 64bit
- Backtrack 5 R3 GNOME 64bit
Tools Lainnya :
- Zhider
- Zeus
- Yahoo Messenger password stealer
- wTembak
- Anti Deepfreeze 7
- KaHT
- KiTrap0D
- Unhide Passwords
- Etherflood
- FUDenkripter
- Yersinia-0.7
- Connect back
- Webcam Backdoor
- KiTrap0D
- Schemafuzz
- Unhide password
- ThumbSuck
- Process Monitor
- dst
- Berbagai ezine dan artikel
Fitur-fitur lain :
- Konsultasi via chat [Puluhan konsultan X-code dengan berbagai spesialis]
- Friends X-code Mobile [Jejaring sosial hacker]
- Shoutbox X-code – Baru
- Chat X-code [Room X-code Chat]
- Video-video Yogyafree X-code
- Fitur musik
- Chat dengan Staff X-code
- Chat dengan Online Support
- Form untuk menginformasikan jika ada bug di X-code Galaxy
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