did you see how cool FB Azon Pro is?

Wohoo! Just created a cool store in one of my page!
Yes I have been playing around with FBAzonPro and finally got a new store in a new page of mine that is growing like crazy.

This app came in the right time for me as I needed to monetize the traffic I got in the fanpage without posting in the timeline directly as I am still in relationship building process with my new community.

If you haven't checked this out, I recommend you to see it and use it in your fanpages!

I know I am gonna use it more on my other fanpages, this is PERFECT for pages in passionate niche!

Talk Soon,
Jl. Al Makmur No.45, Tangerang, Outside United States, 15145, Indonesia
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did you see how cool FB Azon Pro is? did you see how cool FB Azon Pro is? Reviewed by Unknown on 9:17 PM Rating: 5

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