Latest projects and contests matching your skills

Freelancer Notification
November 10, 2013

Hi ariisnadi,

Here are the latest projects and contests matching your profile and skills:

Project Description


Conversion rate expert

We are looking for CONVERSION RATE expert to make money on youngsters that searching the web for prono (i.e. porno-traffic). We tested several solutions: ...

Skills: Advertising | eCommerce | Internet Marketing | Sales | Website Design

$30-$250 USD

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Magento small IE issue

Hello, I have small IE browsers issue in magento site. So I am looking for css expert who can slove IE probelm. Its urgent so it should be done in less then 1 hour. Price is fixed $10 Thx

Skills: CSS | HTML | HTML5 | jQuery / Prototype

$10 USD

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Design a banner

Hello, this is the first time i use a freelancer to do my graphic works.. usually i do it locally but i will try it and see how it goes. I need a banner that includes the following 1- collage of universities logos ...

Skills: Graphic Design

$30-$250 USD

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we already have a working site and we are looking magento and ecommerece to finalize a project to go live

Skills: eCommerce | HTML | Magento | Shopping Carts | Website Design

$30-$250 USD

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Landing Page Design

Hello, I need a landing page designed and coded. All copy will be provided. Graphics will need to be sourced/suggested by the designer. Look and feel: Please pr ...

Skills: Graphic Design | HTML | Landing Pages | Website Design

$30-$250 AUD

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New website design or upgrade old one - repost The company is a provider of company registration, accounting and investment advice services in Shanghai China. The main proposed service is "Company registration for foreign enterpr ...

Skills: Copywriting | Proofreading | SEO

€250-€750 EUR

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Rewrite existing CSS, HTML and JS for single page

Hi, I have taken code from around the web that will allow users to input a URL and it shows them what it looks like on Desktop/Tablet/Mobile views. I now need someone to make the code obscure to users should anyone c ...

Skills: CSS | HTML5 | Javascript

$10-$30 USD

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E-coin financial exchange website

I would like to have an online currency exchange similar to the following websites: The project will be divided in two sections: Section 1: Pr ...

Skills: Graphic Design | HTML | PHP | Ruby on Rails | Website Design

£250-£750 GBP

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Implement SEO plan - Repost - open to bidding

Implementing a an SEO plan done by a consultant. includes removal of error 404 messages, a new 404 page, inserting new 301 redirects, inserting new meta tags,adding alt tags to images, etc., Implementing domain canonical ...

Skills: CSS | Dreamweaver

$30-$250 USD

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Simple Android Application - Pinball / Pachinko game

Simple Android application required. Application name given on project awardation, you will also need to produce any graphics or logos/icons. We don't have mock-ups, as an application developer this is your design, ...

Skills: Android | Game Design | Google App Engine | Graphic Design | Mobile Phone

£20-£250 GBP

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C++ Work... - repost

Hi I need someone with a history in automation type of software. I want to develop a web program that gathers news articles and summarizes them. I will provide you with all details necessary to carry out this task. ...

Skills: C++ Programming | MySQL | PHP

$99-$319 USD

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Mobile and Desktop app for - repost 2

Read QUR'AN for Peace – an Android / iTunes / Windows Desktop app What needs to be done:- 1) The entire Arabic QUR'AN (with translations) to be downloaded into the app in 2 formats. a) By Juzus' – to com ...

Skills: Android | iPhone | Mac OS | Windows Desktop | Windows Phone

$30-$250 USD

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Website design with interactive interface for documents printing service

I need webside deveopment for online documents printing service. Side must be interactive which means that costumer should be able to: - upload pdf or word documents - see preview of a document and chose the dimension ...

Skills: Graphic Design | HTML | PHP | Website Design

$750-$1500 USD

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Just Forum Posting in Software Forums and A Bit More

Unfortunately the previous couldn't do what I want and I have to repost my project. I don't think it is difficult. What I want you to do is * Register in 4 forums + I'll provide you with 2 ready accounts, I'll ...

Skills: Advertising | Blog | Forum Posting | Internet Marketing | Marketing

$30-$250 USD

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OpenCart Product Entries Urgent

I'm looking for someone fast, experienced at data entry and accurate with a good attention to detail in entering new products into OpenCart. A good understanding of English would be a bonus, though no copy as such needs ...

Skills: Data Entry | Open Cart | System Admin | Virtual Assistant

$30-$250 AUD

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Digital Marketing for Project Management Training (Pune - India)

Hi, I am into professional training business for PMP and PRINCE2 and looking for generating leads/email marketing/SMS marketing for the targeted audience (Pune - India) to start with. I am open for % of revenue for ...

Skills: Advertising | Email Marketing | Internet Marketing | Leads | Marketing

₹1500-₹12500 INR

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Searching for exceptional talent - Ongoing - outsource / in-house

We are an agency looking for exceptional graphic and web / ui responsive designers to work with us on future projects. We currently have many different projects that must be completed and the demand is increasing. On ...

Skills: Corporate Identity | Digital Design | Graphic Design | Logo Design | Website Design

$2-$9 AUD/hr

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Java Design Pattern + GUI related Question solution

Task: You have to answer some simple questions given on tutorial4.pdf and tutorial5.pdf file, which is based on EDC Prac 2, EDC Prac 3 codes and Java GUI mostly. The codes are attached and the coed are implementation of ...

Skills: Java | Software Architecture | Technical Writing

$25-$35 AUD

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Skills: Magento | MySQL | PHP

$30-$250 USD

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cost effective email marketing template required

hello, I am currently looking for someone who is experienced in designing simple but effective email marketing templates. Please someone who is fully experienced in this type of work apply and is fluent in english. ...

Skills: Email Marketing | Graphic Design

$10-$30 AUD

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telematics platform Urgent

Hi, we are a provider of telematics ASP services. Our headquarters is based in Madird, Spain. Currently all our customers are using our web based telematics platform. Our telematics devices are installed in vehicle ...

Skills: Linux | PHP | Software Architecture | SQL | Website Management

$10-$10000 USD

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Contest Description


Design a Logo for AMPower Electrical Solutions Ltd Sealed

Fresh logo design required for new company called AMPower Electrical Solutions Ltd, with the emphasis of the logo to be on the AMPower name The companys work will be mainly electrical installation with some inspection ...

Skills: Graphic Design | Logo Design

£70 GBP

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Design an App Mockup for Online shopping app Featured Sealed

I want an online shopping mobile app for the iPhone and Android. ( Gilt Like ) Create logo and style. The name is "597 Avenue" powered by R imports. Use the colours of the flag of the country \"Suriname\" The visit ...

Skills: Graphic Design | User Interface / IA

$490 USD

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Latest projects and contests matching your skills Latest projects and contests matching your skills Reviewed by Unknown on 8:42 PM Rating: 5

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