Mashable 16 Panoramic Photo Fails That Turned Humans Into Mutants |  | Panoramic photos capture an entire landscape with one smooth swoop of the camera. But add a moving human to the scene, and the bucolic countryside can look like it's been overrun b... |
The Huffington Post William P. White Dismissed From D.C. Insurance Commissioner Post After Criticizing Obamacare | |
Washington, D.C. Insurance Commissioner William P. White was dismissed from his post one day after releasing a statement that criticized President Barack Obama's proposed fix to th... |
EnGadget Nokia Lumia 1520 review: the best Windows Phone device yet |  | Windows Phone has never looked this good. The latest update to Microsoft's mobile operating system, known as Update 3, added support for 1080p displays, large smartphone screens a... |
MSNBC: Business Dow pares gains after breaking 16,000 barrier | |
Investors failed to push the Dow to a record close on Monday after the index had pushed through the 16,000 level earlier in the session. |
Seth Godin Extinguishing the tantrum cycle | |
Tantrums are frightening. Whether it's an employee, a customer or a dog out of control, tantrum behavior is so visceral, self-defeating and unpredictable, rational participants wan... |
Daily Finance Dow Tops 16,000; Stocks Build on Record Highs |  | Filed under: NYSE, Stocks, NASDAQ, InvestingRichard Drew/AP By Adam Samson The markets climbed on Monday, pushing the Dow above the 16,000 mark for the first time in history. Tod... |
The Wall Street Journal Best of the Web Today: Katrina and ObamaCare | |
The analogy is less telling than who is employing it. |
ReadWrite How HTML5 Crashed, Burned, And Rose Again |  | Guest author Rob Grossberg is the CEO of TreSensa, a game development and distribution company for the mobile Web. In April of 2010, Steve Jobs penned an open letter titled "Though... |
Writer Unboxed Be Bigger Than Chickens: an Interview with Joshilyn Jackson |  | I fell in love with William Ashe at gunpoint, in a Circle K. It was on a Friday afternoon at the tail end of a Georgia summer so ungodly hot the air felt like it had all been boile... |
Branding Strategy Insider The Fall Of The Anti-Branding Movement |  | It's been nearly 15 years since the first publication of Canadian author Naomi Klein's book "No Logo" (1999). To many, No Logo has been considered the genesis of the alter-globaliz... |
| Advertisement Free Website Builder | Create a free website with Wix. Customize with Wix' website builder, no coding skills needed. Choose a design, begin customizing and be online | Boing Boing Mother fined $10 for not including Ritz crackers in kids' school lunch |  | The Manitoba Child Care Association fined mother Kristen Bartkiw $10 because she neglected to include healthful Ritz crackers in her kids' school lunches. Weighty Matters has more ... |
TechCrunch Bitcoin $645? Yeah, That's Totally Reasonable |  | Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency on everyone's mind, is booming in value. Currently trading around $645 per coin, it has never been worth more, or generated more headlines that I can re... |
Fast Company 10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy | |
Know what the fastest-growing demographic on Twitter is? Or how many new members join LinkedIn every second? The answers will surprise you!If you're managing social media for your ... |
Wired News A New Kind of Food Science: How IBM Is Using Big Data to Invent Creative Recipes | |
Computers are constantly getting smarter. But can they ever be creative? A team of IBM researchers believes so. They've built a program that uses math, chemistry, and vast quantiti... |
Lifehacker Choose the Best Bicycle and the Right Equipment for Your Ride |  | Biking is a fun way to get outdoors, get some exercise, and get around town, if you do it safely. Part of doing it safely is choosing the right bike for the terrain you'll ride on,... |
Design Milk Emeco: What's Old Will Become New Again |  | We take a look at a Design Milk favorite and a design icon: the Emeco 1006 Aluminum Navy Chair. |
Talking Points Memo Ford Body Slams City Councillor | |
I've been hearing from all day today that this afternoon has been the big final epic meltdown in the endless Mayor Ford crackalacka drama. But I guess a short time ago Mayor Ford ... |
Real Clear Politics Only in Iowa | |
In "Caucus" -- the recently released gem of a documentary about the 2012 Iowa caucuses -- filmmaker A.J. Schnack and his team pack into 100 minutes a complete and emotionally satis... |
Bloesem At home with DesignLemonade |  | Today we are very happy to be sharing images from the ladies behind Getyourkickson (again!). It is a home tour in the Netherlands from the founder of Designlemonade. Jessica Peters... |
Design Observer Debbie Millman: Dawn Hancock |  | On this episode of Design Matters with Debbie Millman, Debbie talks to Firebelly Design founder Dawn Hancock about what it means to be a socially conscious designer and how she t... |
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